[The paragraph below is from the link above]
Ontake is a major sacred mountain, and following older shamanistic practices, actors and artists have gone to the mountain to put themselves into trances in order to get divine inspiration for their creative activities.[4] Bernbaum, Edwin (1997). Sacred Mountains of the World. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press.
The above explains why ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/SPIRIT] chose that volcano to erupt. The practices of the enemy have been taking place on it. In Scripture it is very clear ELOHIM hates high places where people worship HIS enemy! HE wants anything to do with worshiping of others destroyed! ESV Leviticus 26:30 “And I will destroy your high places and cut down your incense altars and cast your dead bodies upon the dead bodies of your idols, and my soul will abhor you.” Pleeease read the whole of Leviticus/Wayikra 26. It is about blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience. It is very insightful!!!
Some additional info:
WATCH |![]() OR eruption is underway but poses limited hazards. | [below is from this link]
2330 Ontake is a main-belt asteroid discovered on February 18, 1977 by H. Kosai and H. Hurukawa at the Tokyo Observatory’s Kiso Station. This is located on the southeast slope of Mount Ontake. [below is from this link]
As a noun, ontake means “an acquisition”. As as verb, ontake means “to undertake”. [Below is from this link]
“When I logged on the net this morning I found Ontakesan erupted in Japan in Austrian news.They had gotten the name not completely right cause it is Ontake-san. San meaning mountain in Japanese and it is also a title of respect. The name translates as “Honoured Peak” and Ontake is used for some more other mountains in Japan so one needs to specify … Kiso Ontake is meant in this post.”