Another teaching from the Jerusalem Channel with information on how to discover ELOHIM’S [Hebrew word for GOD] perfect plan for your life. Talks about recognizing when you are called and tested and encourages being strong regardless of being alone because being chosen is worth the cost! Many are called but few are chosen!
From personal experience, I know the truth of those statements. Keep remembering that you are not alone and call out to ELOHIM [FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT] for help how you need and see what blessing HE gives you to help you persevere! Do not get mad at HIM or curse HIM, remember Job! Remember too that we can’t run from HIM like how Jonah/Yonah thought he could! May any who are enduring testing, who are being called to service during these difficult times, recognize the gift they are being given. May they have the belief in themselves that ELOHIM has in them to overcome all doubts and fears, remember how Moses/Moseh questioned what ELOHIM wanted him to do and even offered up his brother instead of himself! May it not take ending up in the belly of the whale before they give themselves to ELOHIM’S service! May they put aside their lives and their wills for the life ELOHIM calls them to and for our FATHER in Heaven’s Will so that they are amongst the blessed few who are chosen! AMEN!!!