4 Christian Children Beheaded by ISIS and Petition by ACLJ

ISIS Reportedly Beheads Four Christian Children in Iraq for …


American Center for Law & Justice

Dec 8, 2014 – ISIS Reportedly Beheads Four Christian Children in Iraq for Refusing to Convert to Islam … Join us at the ACLJ as we demand action in Congress and from the Obama … Sign our petition to defend Iraq’s Christians today.

 Read more: IS beheaded 4 Christian children, says ‘Vicar of Baghdad’ | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/is-beheaded-4-christian-children-says-vicar-of-baghdad/#ixzz3MCtCbZ7W

IS beheaded 4 Christian children, says ‘Vicar of Baghdad’

Speaking from Jerusalem, Anglican priest Andrew White recounts murder of youths who refused to convert to Islam

December 14, 2014, 2:47 am
Canon Andrew White at St. George's Church, Baghdad, with children from his congregation (photo: YouTube screenshot)

Canon Andrew White at St. George’s Church, Baghdad, with children from his congregation (photo: YouTube screenshot)

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Peshawar School Attack and Avaaz Petition to Honor Them

From Avaaz:

Yesterday a band of men walked into a school in Pakistan and massacred over 100 kids. 100 CHILDREN! What kind of person does something like this?

Someone who sees schools as a primary driver to keep young people from recruitment into a life of violence. Education isn’t just the best antidote to poverty, it is one of the best anti-terrorism tactics — it helps kids get out of hopelessness and into opportunity. Let’s meet this tragedy with a massive global call to get every child in school.

Our governments promised they would get all kids across the world in school by the end of 2015. Let’s make it happen now for Pakistan and other countries — join the campaign to honour the memory of the children of Peshawar — it will be delivered by Gordon Brown, UN Special Envoy on Education, to the Prime Minister of Pakistan, and leaders who can make it a reality.

Pakistan Taliban: Peshawar school attack leaves 141 dead (BBC)

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Ezekiel 4: defiled bread in Scripture. What are we doing to our world today?

9“And take wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and spelt. And you shall put them into one vessel, and make bread of them. You shall eat it, as many days as you lie on your side, three hundred and ninety days.

10“And your food which you eat is by weight, twenty sheqels a day, to be eaten from time to time.

11“And drink water by measure, one-sixth of a hin, to be drunk from time to time.

12“And eat it as a barley cake. And bake it, before their eyes, on human dung.”

13And יהוה said, “Even so the children of Yisra’ĕl shall eat their defiled bread among the gentiles, to whom I drive them.” Continue reading

This Thanksgiving and Hanukkah/Chanukah, be grateful for what you have!

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Hanukkah/Chanukah! May we all be thankful and grateful for the small things, for the large things, for what we know and understand, for what we do not know and understand in each of our lives as ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT] works HIS miracles and blessings! May HIS WORD, the Narrow WAY, TRUTH, LIFE, LIGHT that Enlightens mankind guide and protect you as the work of our SHEPHERD, our HIGH PRIEST, our FATHER in Heaven, our TEACHER, our KING, our SAVIOR, our BRIDEGROOM, our COMFORTER, our FRIEND, our RESCUER and AVENGER is being accomplished! May as many as possible have the oil of the wise virgin and the wedding garment! May as many as possible have stains, blemishes, wrinkles, curses, sins, evil, wicked/wrong and unclean ways washed clean, purified and refined until we are HIS pure, fine, Qadosh [set-apart], Echad gold! AMAN/AMEN!!!

Shalom! [peace, prosperity, and all good things] Gail

https://glclifestyling.com/2012/11/17/being-thankful/ [study on being thankful]

http://www.aish.com/h/c/ht/48969531.html?s=lb [info on Chanukah]

Airstrips, warships, and tankers: what is China up to now?


[excerpts below – not the whole article]

Hong Kong (CNN)China is building an island in the South China Sea that could accommodate the country’s first airstrip in bitterly contested waters, according to satellite images analyzed by IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly.

Reclamation at Fiery Cross Reef on the western edge of the disputed Spratly islands is creating a land mass that is more than 3,000 meters (2 miles) long and between 200 to 300 meters (650 to 980 feet) wide — large enough to construct a runway and apron, the publication said. Continue reading

Toxins in mattresses, breast milk, and the environment

Undeterred by arrest, 90-year-old Florida man gets another citation for feeding the homeless

More and more we are experiencing what does not make sense! Please use the contact information towards the end of the article to get in touch with the Mayor of Fort Lauderdale and voice how this makes you feel!

Undeterred by arrest, 90-year-old Florida man gets another citation for feeding the homeless


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GOD’S sense of humor: the Lone Star Tick and the Heartland Virus

This tick was first described in 1758, but since 2008 there are new developments with it. Its bite is causing people to become allergic to red meat and some other foods, see below for details! With all of the Biblical signs of GOD/ELOHIM trying to get people to turn and repent going on in the USA and around the globe, this may be the only one with a sense of humor involved! It also includes a hidden lesson which HIS humor usually involves in Scripture [see the story of Jonah].

If you were ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD] and you had had it with your people loving red meat more than you, and you wanted to stop them from this sin of idolatry and clean them up, then what better way! Do not forget the sense of humor in regards to the name of this tiny vehicle of Deliverance, or the resemblance to the story of David vs Goliath! The size of a pea or even smaller, this tick is the namesake of the “Lone Star State” which is a place well known for its worship of cows and red meat! Also, since 2009, it has been found to cause a virus called “the Heartland virus”. This was discovered in the State of Missouri [misery?]. Is this another poke at us by ELOHIM or a description of how HE is feeling? Continue reading

Acts 15:20 and 29, Gentile Christians can eat unclean things but not blood or…

Deuteronomy/D’varim 5:29 – Oh that they had such a heart as this always, to fear me and to keep all my commandments, that it might go well with them and with their descendants forever!

Much controversy surrounds Acts 15:20 and 29 and Acts 21:25. If CHRIST stood in front of you and said for you to not eat meat unless it had been slaughtered to have the blood drained from it or not to eat meat offered to idols/false gods, would you obey? What many do not understand from Acts 15 is that the Gentile believers in CHRIST were having a hard time following all of the ways the Jewish believers were following which included circumcision, not eating unclean things [pork, shellfish, fish without scales, turtles, snails, frogs, etc. – see Leviticus/Wayikra 11 and Deuteronomy/D’varim 14], not committing fornication [see links below under “root words of porneia”], not eating blood or strangled things [either not slaughtering to get the blood out or outright eating/drinking blood], not eating food offered to idols [either slaughtered to other gods or part of a celebration or altar to another god] and probably other things as well. The ways of the Gentiles was not set-apart/qadosh/holy like the Hebrews who had been given the Way of YHWH [the LORD]. Continue reading