I believe there is a huge problem going on that has caused sin in peoples lives for centuries. It is because of our disobedience and wanting the wide way [which is the path of destruction] and the world [satan is now the prince of this world and he deceives the world] instead of the Narrow WAY [which is the path to life] and to obey our ELOHIM [the Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT] – see Mattityahu [Matthew] 7:13-14, Luke 4:5-7, Yochanan [John] 12:31 and 14:30. You love your spouse, family, friends and you can describe, if not everything, probably many things about them because of how special they are to you. How much do you know about ELOHIM? For example, what do the FATHER, SON, and the HOLY [SET-APART/QADOSH] SPIRIT [BREATH/RUACH] look like? Continue reading
Monthly Archives: May 2013
Is your belief in the MESSIAH [CHRIST] allowing HIS miracles or causing HIM to groan?
When reading Yochanan [John] 11, I was surprised by something I feel is big. There is truth in Scripture right in front of our eyes but sometimes we can read verses over and over and not see what is in front of us very plainly. It may be because we are blind to it [hopefully just temporarily] or sometimes we get deeper revelations as we grow closer to ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT]. The following verses all talk about not seeing with our eyes and not hearing with our ears: Yesha’yahu [Isaiah] 6:8-11, [these next repeat much of what is in Yesha’yahu] Mattityahu [Matthew] 13:13-17 and Yochanan 12:39-41. Take a look at the verses below and my commentary added in bold letters within brackets to see what I see. Continue reading