Texas abortion bill, a call to prayer and fasting

A special session has been called for Monday, 7/1/13 at 2pm ET to re-address the abortion bill of Texas Gov. Rick Perry. See this link for information:


Join with me in a 3 day fast and prayer for this bill to be passed starting tonight at midnight Eastern Time USA to end Monday at midnight ET USA. Please forward this to people you know and to prayer lists too. Ask our ABBA [FATHER] in Heaven in prayer [see Mattityahu – Matthew – 6:9] to join all the prayers of all who want this bill to succeed and end the prayer in HIS SON’S NAME [Yochanan – John – 15:16, 16:23]. Fast as you choose for as long as you choose or are able to. Thank you and Shalom [peace, prosperity, and all good things], Gail Continue reading