A Song to my BELOVED ONE…

I wrote this song based on many verses in Scripture including some I found after I wrote the words. This is what I hope to be for ELOHIM because of all HE has done for me, especially YAHSHUA who my Covenant is with. I feel blessed because I have had things line up around me and things that have come from my heart that I found Scripture on afterwards or confirmation from others’ walks. Some I did not go through with and regretted and wept for missing an opportunity placed in front of me because I doubted/feared/was weak. ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/SPIRIT] is an amazing path preparer through HIS SET-APART [HOLY] SPIRIT. I have had so many paths line up in a day that I have exclaimed to ELOHIM more than once, “I know you are ELOHIM but how do you do it!!!”. Continue reading

The Wedding Garment is our Righteousness…how ready are you for CHRIST’S return?

If YAHSHUA/JESUS/JOSHUA returned during your lifetime, would you be ready, especially if it was sooner rather than later? Would you be a virgin with extra oil who got to go in with the BRIDEGROOM or a foolish one locked outside the door? Would you be a servant who used his MASTER’S talents well or would you be scared/lazy and hide it? Would you be a guest with a wedding garment on or one that did not put one on and was thrown outside? HE said to always be ready, so are you? Are you blemish/defect, stain/spot, and wrinkle free [Ephesians 5:27] and clean vs unclean? Are you righteous? Continue reading

Another Valentine’s Day and a way to know True Love!!!

It is hard to believe another year has gone by and that valentine’s day is upon us again. I did a study February 2012 on the pagan origins of this holiday – https://glclifestyling.com/2012/02/ – and I re-post the study link yearly so that new readers will be aware of it. Hope to redo the blog to be set-up by titles instead of by months. Be sure and read the end of the post from 2012 where it shows that a valentine is similar to a magic formula!

Put ELOHIM [Hebrew for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/SPIRIT], first in your heart this year! Bring joy to ELOHIM’S Heart by learning to honor and love HIS Ways and not HIS enemies’ ways!!! May you be blessed with knowing the ONE TRUE LIVING ELOHIM’S Love in your life and be as close as possible to the Three of THEM who are ONE, forever!!!  Shalom and Blessings! Gail

As California keeps dreamin’, how many are still pretending to pray?

2 Chronicles 6 [English Standard Version]

26 When heaven is shut up and there is no rain because they have sinned against you, if they pray toward this place and acknowledge your name and turn from their sin, when you afflict[b] them, 27 then hear in heaven and forgive the sin of your servants, your people Israel, when you teach them the good way[c] in which they should walk, and grant rain upon your land, which you have given to your people as an inheritance.

[look at song titled: If MY People – number 3/28]

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Information on me and the work I do…

 I John [Yochanan] 3:17 But whoever has the world’s goods, and beholds his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of GOD abide in him? See Tehillim [Psalms] 41:1-3; Mishle [Proverbs] 3:27-28, 17:13, 19:17, 22:9, 28:27; Mattityahu [Matthew] 5:42, 6:24, 7:1-29, 20:26, 25:35-45; Mark 10:21; Luke 3:10-11, 6:38, 10:27; Acts 4:32-37, 20:35; Romans 12:13, 15:1; II Corinthians 9:12; Galatians 6:2-9; Philippians 2:4; Hebrews 13:16; Ya’akov [James] 1:27, 2:1-5:20, 4:17; I Yochanan [John] 4:19-21

– My focus is to do my FATHER/ABBA in Heaven’s and YAHSHUA/JOSHUA/JESUS’S Will and Desire in regards to the work ELOHIM wants me to do and for the reason HE created me. 

– Ministering to ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT] and HIS people and creation has become my life’s love and work! If the idea of religion turns you off, please bear with me because you might change your mind. ELOHIM is not about religion which is man-made. HE is about a personal relationship! I have been in an on the job training program that ELOHIM has set up for me. My own personal reality experience, a taste of what it must have been like for the disciples of CHRIST [the MESSIAH] but in our present world!

– Since the end of August 2010 when I gave my life back to CHRIST, but this time understanding more of HIS Way, my life has held trials and errors and overcoming, blessings and good things, and the challenges of each especially dealing with fear and rejection. Good things can be a challenge too when we get caught up in being in a comfortable place vs doing HIS work in an uncomfortable place and allowing fear to rule! A big lesson has been to trust ELOHIM and not let the enemy rule me and still am working on that one! Other big lessons include enduring through all and getting stronger; learning to lean on HIM and to call out to YHWH/the LORD for help; to not be offended; to find forgiveness; to have compassion, love, hope, trust, even when circumstances are hard! To keep my focus on ELOHIM and not me or others!

– A number of service organizations need to examine themselves, both secular and religious. Many need to take a hard look at the service they are providing, by looking at each rule and guideline through the eyes of and experience what it is like walking in the shoes of the ones they are supposed to be serving! I have been shown how one can “fall between the cracks” of organizations who are supposed to help those in need. It can be eye-opening to see how losing out on even a small blessing can be devastating to someone in need right then and how hope can be snuffed out due to senseless rules/decisions. I believe many feel they are alone and do not know who to turn to or trust. The meek and humble may miss out on help because others, especially those who take advantage, get to resources first. Alice Lewis from Mama Alice’s Homeless Ministry calls it “the needy vs the greedy”.

– It has also been eye-opening to see how people and organizations are not helping others per the ways of Scripture.  Individuals, churches, and even service ministries who have open hands when they want something, may act entirely different when the one who helped them previously becomes the one who needs help from them now! Try to imagine what it feels like to be rejected over and over and over again because people value the world and its ways more than a human being that they have even called friend or family! Having walked on both sides, as both giver and receiver, has been humbling. This walk has caused me to say to ELOHIM more than a few times, “if YOU won’t give up then I won’t”!

– I went from a 2400 sf house filled with possessions down to 1 or 2 suitcases and a backpack and have learned to give from even these few possessions. I went from having my own business/home/car to learning to be grateful for what I receive or for what door CHRIST opens. My personal needs are very simple these days. I went from a “keeping up with the Jones’s” mentality to “how can I help YOU my ELOHIM and you my fellow human being?”. My focus is on serving ELOHIM and others and taking care of me, too. Turning people away who need help because they are of a different belief or denomination, or running through a list of criteria that must be met first before they can be helped is not a belief of mine. Scripture is used for guidelines, addictions are not supported, and giving poor quality food or anything of poor quality is hopefully not done. Continue reading

The return of the TRUE KING and HIS priceless GIFT

What this study is about:

  2. Conception and birth – Point #1 Conception: YESHUA’YAH’S/JESUS’S conception might have been on 12/25 as a way for GOD/ELOHIM to cover HIS people from worshiping a pagan sun god’s birthday. Conception can be proved through Scripture to be a new creation, a birth, a birth day. 9 months from that date is 9/21 which is the date sometimes of the Feast of Trumpets. Point #2 Birth: HIS birth can be revealed through Scripture study. Two possibilities are most likely.
  3. The Holy Feast Days – I give information on the significance of the Holy Feast Days and their connection to YESHUA’YAH’S/JESUS’S coming as SUFFERING SERVANT and return as CONQUERING KING.
  4. Connecting conception and birth – One possibility for HIS birth is during the fall Holy Days of The Feast of Trumpets, Yom Kippur, Sukkot. I believe The Feast of Trumpets is the one. This is due to an interesting relationship between Abraham’s birth year of 1948 and its connection to the year of founding of modern Israel in 1948 and Abraham’s long awaited GOD/ELOHIM promised son Isaac being born 100 years after him and a possible connection to the long awaited GOD/ELOHIM promised SON to return 100 years after the founding of modern Israel. Tying into that is also the Feast of Trumpets, which will start on 9/21 [9 months after 12/25] in the Jewish secular year of 2047-2048! Do you believe in coincidence or GOD/ELOHIM ordering things?
  5. Conclusion – Honoring GOD/ELOHIM rightly and are you ready for YESHUA’YAH’S/JESUS’S return?

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Happy Anniversary – how I got out of the Matrix and found the True Trinity!

3 years ago last week, I felt like Neo in the Matrix, waking up in the real world which was horrific compared to what he had thought was the real one. When I had my big wake up call I felt very much like I believe he did and what was shown me changed most of my beliefs! I thought I had known the truth, I was certain of it, but after dealing with a near possession for almost 4 months and spending a lot of money trying to figure out what was happening to me, I finally was shown in a way I had no doubts about that the Bible is True! It set me free from New Age and pagan worship and healing methods I had gotten involved in that connected me to demons not the real GOD who I was seeking! Continue reading


Part 1, went into the background of images and why we are commanded not to make or worship them. It also got into the information available in Scripture about how the MESSIAH [CHRIST] looked while in HIS Body of flesh. See this link: https://glclifestyling.com/2013/05/30/what-do-the-fatherancient-of-days-his-sonwordlambmessiah-and-his-set-apart-holy-spirit-look-like-part-1/

So for part 2, what did/does the SON/MESSIAH look like as the WORD of ELOHIM? ELOHIM is the Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER, SON, SET-APART [HOLY] SPIRIT [BREATH/RUACH]. There is a physical description in Dani’el of a MAN that Dani’el worshiped [fell down on his face in front of] that matches up with a physical description of one resembling [looking like] the SON of Adam/SON of Man [the first man, Adam, his name means “man” or “human” in the generic sense] in Revelation. I believe this MAN is the WORD of ELOHIM, our MESSIAH, who was born in a Body of flesh. I believe the description of what HE looks like, both before and after HE was in the flesh, is in both Dani’el and Revelation. Continue reading

Tropical Storm Andrea

Our ABBA in Heaven,

Thank YOU for all your help with what will be happening with this storm. Thank YOU for as little loss of life as possible, as little damage as possible, for YOU and/or IMMANUEL to even change YOUR minds and change the track of this storm: for it to not go ashore and go up the East coast, for it to jump land or turn back and go out to sea, for it not impacting anything significantly at all or as little as possible, for it to disappear. I know and believe YOU/YOUR SON/YOUR SET-APART [HOLY] SPIRIT are the ONE True ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD] and can do anything.  ABBA, may YOUR Will be done! Continue reading