From sundown tonight to sundown tomorrow night is the 9th of the Jewish month of Av [Av is one of the words that means father in Hebrew]. This day has been a day of curses to the Hebrews and the Jews [“Jews” refers to the Hebrew tribe of Judah] and is considered by many to be the main day historically when the worst has happened to them. I have copied a lot of links below that go into the history of this day and the tragedies. Reading about the second Temple being destroyed and what the people went through in Yerushalayim [Jerusalem] brought out many tears. I hope you take a few minutes and learn about what ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/SPIRIT], and HIS prophets and people went through. Continue reading
Category Archives: evil
Handling halloween wisely – J. John Canon
Below is a well written piece by a minister from the United Kingdom named J. John Canon. He is an excellent and thought provoking speaker. I felt this piece below was appropriate to pass on considering halloween is coming up. I used to celebrate halloween, in fact, it was my favorite holiday – I loved it! After reading what J. John wrote about how it dishonored ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT] and the further investigation I did on its roots, I decided to throw out all my halloween decorations and not celebrate it anymore because I wanted to show ELOHIMGOD I loved HIM more than what is of HIS enemy: death, darkness, evil, wickedness, witchcraft, magic, the undead, blood lust, lust, fear, torment, horror, deceit, trickery, superstition, uncleanness, curses, and pagan ways – all of which halloween celebrates. There is nothing of Life, Light, Goodness, Truth, Forgiveness, Love, Peace, Righteousness, Mercy, Compassion, Wholesomeness, Cleanness, Blessings, and ELOHIM’S/GOD’S Way involved at all in that celebration! Continue reading