Should the MESSIAH’S [CHRIST’S] people celebrate HIS having risen on easter?

Below is a link to a study I published last year and have updated with some new information. I encourage everyone to do their work of reading Scripture and to investigate and prove the truth of it because there is so much deception in the world today. We have many pagan ways included in our worship of our ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD]. HE was very clear how pagan ways were not HIS ways and that they separated HIM from HIS people [read about the HIS relationship with the Israelites]. Love HIM enough to separate yourselves from the ways of men and family traditions if they are not HIS ways –  FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT are worth it!!!

Asteroid to pass near the Earth 2/15/13

While I have studied a good part of the Bible, I have primarily focused on learning the truth about ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is our FATHER in Heaven, HIS SON, and HIS SET-APART [HOLY] SPIRIT] and HIS way and what pleases HIM and also to know the deceptions of HIS enemy and their ways and how they hurt us. I have looked over some prophecy and have found some things of interest but I have not focused on it as I have these other areas. I do believe we are somewhere in the time of the end, but whether that means it is 1, 10, or 100 years until the MESSIAH returns I do not know. I do believe that ELOHIM has been trying to get our attention through all these storms, earthquakes, and other disasters we have been facing and are being humbled by. This Friday we face an asteroid. Continue reading

You’re right, there is no Christ in Christmas but there is some new information…

9/9/13 – I have some new information to post and it should make some people very happy. Our ELOHIM covers us greatly. While I still believe in what is written in the study below and feel it necessary to warn people of pagan practices, I now am believing that the MESSIAH’S date of conception [which is a birth of a new life] fell on the pagan celebration of a sun god’s son’s birth [which many celebrate today as Christmas] and the MESSIAH’S date of Birth as a newborn was on the Set-Apart Feast of Trumpets which heralds a KING. Based on this information, I believe celebrating 12/25 as HIS birth, without any pagan way involved at all, and instead doing the service work the SON commands may be acceptable in ELOHIM’S Eyes. This is my opinion and what I say to everyone is to still pray and ask our FATHER in Heaven for the Truth so they won’t be punished for celebrating any lie. I personally have no interest in misleading people or in anything but the COMPLETE TRUTH! I hopefully hold no pride if it came down to posting a complete retraction of anything I wrote that was proved to not be the Truth! Btw, ELOHIM is the Hebrew word for the English word GOD and to me is FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT. Please see this link for more information concerning the new information stated above: Continue reading

Handling halloween wisely – J. John Canon

Below is a well written piece by a minister from the United Kingdom named J. John Canon.  He is an excellent and thought provoking speaker. I felt this piece below was appropriate to pass on considering halloween is coming up. I used to celebrate halloween, in fact, it was my favorite holiday – I loved it!  After reading what J. John wrote about how it dishonored ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT] and the further investigation I did on its roots, I decided to throw out all my halloween decorations and not celebrate it anymore because I wanted to show ELOHIMGOD I loved HIM more than what is of HIS enemy: death, darkness, evil, wickedness, witchcraft, magic, the undead, blood lust, lust, fear, torment, horror, deceit, trickery, superstition, uncleanness, curses, and pagan ways – all of which halloween celebrates. There is nothing of Life, Light, Goodness, Truth, Forgiveness, Love, Peace, Righteousness, Mercy, Compassion, Wholesomeness, Cleanness, Blessings, and ELOHIM’S/GOD’S Way involved at all in that celebration! Continue reading

Deception of the enemy – there are no such things as “ghosts”: Demon attachment and possession of homes and objects and us

When buying our house in Baton Rouge, we were told by the previous homeowners that they had “ghostly occurrences” happen such as hearing a baby cry and that the first homeowners had a history of mental illness. Anything labeled today as mental illness is a deception of the enemy and what I believe is going on [and Scripture backs up] is that demons/unclean spirits are afflicting/inhabiting the person and/or controlling our emotions/mind through chemical imbalances, oppression, and/or possession. Read the study on yoga I did and see one way how we open ourselves up to the enemy  . Continue reading

The Truth About Yoga

The information and link below is from an article written by a person who used to practice yoga until he found out that he was actually worshiping Hindu gods and opening himself up to demons using him. Ghosts are not spirits of deceased people, they are demonic spirits who are deceiving people – see My Story Part 2 [and future studies]. Our ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/SPIRIT] makes HIMSELF very clear that HE is the only one that should be worshiped. Did you know that even the greeting “namaste” involves worship. You bow slightly to the other person and say this word whose meaning goes into the belief that the god in me recognizes the god in you! Continue reading

Should the MESSIAH’S [CHRIST’S] people celebrate easter

What is written below opened my eyes when I first read it. The author is a Christian minister who had been a pagan witch and renounced his old beliefs and wanted to make people aware of the truth of what they were celebrating. I have chosen to get rid of all easter items and will not participate in it anymore. There are whole churches that will have nothing to do with easter because they know it does not celebrate the MESSIAH [CHRIST] but HIS enemy.  There is plenty of information besides what is below, just Google “truth about easter or pagan origins of easter” and you will find much more. Continue reading

So, who do you love???

“Behold my servant with whom I am pleased, my beloved one, in whom my soul rejoices; I will put my Spirit upon Him , and He will preach justice to the peoples.  And in His name will the Gentiles find hope.” – Mattityahu [Matthew] 12:18,21. This Gentile thanks her ELOHIM [the word for GOD in Hebrew] daily, all three of HIM as shown in the verse above, because HE is my beloved whom everything I have is from. HE is amazing!!! Every time I start getting overwhelmed HE reminds me that HE is watching out for me. Two days ago, the spiritual warfare I was dealing with in the morning was getting to be too much and I told HIM I was tired and that I just wanted to rest in HIS arms and have HIM hold me. Shortly after when I was in my car driving, a van pulled in front of me with a Bible verse written across the back doors from Mattityahu [Matthew] 11:28 – “Come to me, all you who labour and carry burdens, and I will give you rest.” I love HIM dearly!!! Continue reading