Part 1, went into the background of images and why we are commanded not to make or worship them. It also got into the information available in Scripture about how the MESSIAH [CHRIST] looked while in HIS Body of flesh. See this link: https://glclifestyling.com/2013/05/30/what-do-the-fatherancient-of-days-his-sonwordlambmessiah-and-his-set-apart-holy-spirit-look-like-part-1/

So for part 2, what did/does the SON/MESSIAH look like as the WORD of ELOHIM? ELOHIM is the Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER, SON, SET-APART [HOLY] SPIRIT [BREATH/RUACH]. There is a physical description in Dani’el of a MAN that Dani’el worshiped [fell down on his face in front of] that matches up with a physical description of one resembling [looking like] the SON of Adam/SON of Man [the first man, Adam, his name means “man” or “human” in the generic sense] in Revelation. I believe this MAN is the WORD of ELOHIM, our MESSIAH, who was born in a Body of flesh. I believe the description of what HE looks like, both before and after HE was in the flesh, is in both Dani’el and Revelation. Continue reading

Texas abortion bill, let’s get our FATHER in Heaven’s attention by thanking, praising, and blessing HIS NAME!

Look’s like the bill will come up again for a vote on Tuesday, July 9th unless something changes. Instead of doing another “fast and prayer”, wanted to try something different to get our FATHER [ABBA] in Heaven’s attention. So let us “thank HIM, praise HIM, and bless HIS name” and ask for HIS Will to be done!

There are some examples of this in verses at the bottom of this study. Try singing them to HIM or write your own and sing them. Also, if you have never bowed/knelt/prostrated yourself to HIM why are you waiting to bring joy to HIS heart? We will all be doing this when we are with HIM forever, so why not start now and teach others? What a wonderful gift you would be giving HIM! If you have never done it before, what a great way to get HIS attention! I also will be thanking, praising, and blessing the NAME of HIS SON, our MESSIAH [CHRIST] and KING! Continue reading


I believe there is a huge problem going on that has caused sin in peoples lives for centuries. It is because of our disobedience and wanting the wide way [which is the path of destruction] and the world [satan is now the prince of this world and he deceives the world] instead of the Narrow WAY [which is the path to life] and to obey our ELOHIM [the Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT] – see Mattityahu [Matthew] 7:13-14, Luke 4:5-7, Yochanan [John] 12:31 and 14:30. You love your spouse, family, friends and you can describe, if not everything, probably many things about them because of how special they are to you. How much do you know about ELOHIM? For example, what do the FATHER, SON, and the HOLY [SET-APART/QADOSH] SPIRIT [BREATH/RUACH] look like? Continue reading

Read Acts – blood is not food!

When in Israel, ABBA [Our FATHER in Heaven] opened my eyes about another way we are not obeying HIM and instead, connecting to HIS enemy. ELOHIM is LIFE, LIGHT, TRUTH, GOOD and HIS enemy is death, darkness, lies, and evil. ELOHIM is the Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT. In Scripture, blood is the life of the animal or human being and it never was to be consumed by people – it is blood not food – and it belongs to ELOHIM alone! Yechezk’el [Ezekiel] 44:7, “…My food, the fat and the blood” and verse 15, “…bring to Me the fat and the blood…”. The blood and the fat were always HIS portion! Continue reading

You’re right, there is no Christ in Christmas but there is some new information…

9/9/13 – I have some new information to post and it should make some people very happy. Our ELOHIM covers us greatly. While I still believe in what is written in the study below and feel it necessary to warn people of pagan practices, I now am believing that the MESSIAH’S date of conception [which is a birth of a new life] fell on the pagan celebration of a sun god’s son’s birth [which many celebrate today as Christmas] and the MESSIAH’S date of Birth as a newborn was on the Set-Apart Feast of Trumpets which heralds a KING. Based on this information, I believe celebrating 12/25 as HIS birth, without any pagan way involved at all, and instead doing the service work the SON commands may be acceptable in ELOHIM’S Eyes. This is my opinion and what I say to everyone is to still pray and ask our FATHER in Heaven for the Truth so they won’t be punished for celebrating any lie. I personally have no interest in misleading people or in anything but the COMPLETE TRUTH! I hopefully hold no pride if it came down to posting a complete retraction of anything I wrote that was proved to not be the Truth! Btw, ELOHIM is the Hebrew word for the English word GOD and to me is FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT. Please see this link for more information concerning the new information stated above: https://glclifestyling.com/2013/12/the-return-of-the-true-king-and-his-priceless-gift-of-270-days/ Continue reading

Deceptions of the enemy: Lying wonders – hearing voices and false healing

“Even he whose coming is due to the working of Satan, with ALL POWER and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceitfulness of unrighteousness in those who perish, because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved thereby. For this reason GOD shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie, That all who did not believe in the truth but preferred unrighteousness might be damned.” Second Thessalonians 2: 9-12.  What ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT] is teaching me, is to love HIM only for who HE is and not for how I want HIM to be or how anyone else sees HIM, to learn HIS Word and to discern by HIS Word and to obey HIS Word, to only go to HIM and HIS Word for the Truth over what any person says, and to love HIM more than my pride if I should find out I was believing in a lie. Continue reading

Should the MESSIAH’S [CHRIST’S] people celebrate easter

What is written below opened my eyes when I first read it. The author is a Christian minister who had been a pagan witch and renounced his old beliefs and wanted to make people aware of the truth of what they were celebrating. I have chosen to get rid of all easter items and will not participate in it anymore. There are whole churches that will have nothing to do with easter because they know it does not celebrate the MESSIAH [CHRIST] but HIS enemy.  There is plenty of information besides what is below, just Google “truth about easter or pagan origins of easter” and you will find much more. Continue reading