Did you know that HE requires more from us with the New Covenant

I thought this was interesting when I realized there was a difference between the verses telling us how we were to love Adonai our Elohim in the Old Covenant (Testament) compared to the New Covenant.  In D’varim (Deuteronomy) 6:5 it says “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might”.  Another translation I use, The Complete Jewish Bible by David Stern says, “and you are to love Adonai (Hebrew for my Lord) your God (Elohim is the Hebrew word for God) with all your heart, all your being and all your resources”.  Continue reading

So, who do you love???

“Behold my servant with whom I am pleased, my beloved one, in whom my soul rejoices; I will put my Spirit upon Him , and He will preach justice to the peoples.  And in His name will the Gentiles find hope.” – Mattityahu [Matthew] 12:18,21. This Gentile thanks her ELOHIM [the word for GOD in Hebrew] daily, all three of HIM as shown in the verse above, because HE is my beloved whom everything I have is from. HE is amazing!!! Every time I start getting overwhelmed HE reminds me that HE is watching out for me. Two days ago, the spiritual warfare I was dealing with in the morning was getting to be too much and I told HIM I was tired and that I just wanted to rest in HIS arms and have HIM hold me. Shortly after when I was in my car driving, a van pulled in front of me with a Bible verse written across the back doors from Mattityahu [Matthew] 11:28 – “Come to me, all you who labour and carry burdens, and I will give you rest.” I love HIM dearly!!! Continue reading