I found out about all of this yesterday. What is sad is that Wendy Davis graduated from Texas Christian University. I do not know why she does not go by Scripture because our ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/SPIRIT] is very clear that no one is to kill another, [read Sh’mot – Exodus – 20]. I know there are debates about when life officially starts but when you study Scripture, you realize that Scripture can be very clear on many things and you also realize just how much we are following men’s ways instead of ELOHIM’S Way. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Luke
I believe there is a huge problem going on that has caused sin in peoples lives for centuries. It is because of our disobedience and wanting the wide way [which is the path of destruction] and the world [satan is now the prince of this world and he deceives the world] instead of the Narrow WAY [which is the path to life] and to obey our ELOHIM [the Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT] – see Mattityahu [Matthew] 7:13-14, Luke 4:5-7, Yochanan [John] 12:31 and 14:30. You love your spouse, family, friends and you can describe, if not everything, probably many things about them because of how special they are to you. How much do you know about ELOHIM? For example, what do the FATHER, SON, and the HOLY [SET-APART/QADOSH] SPIRIT [BREATH/RUACH] look like? Continue reading
Is your belief in the MESSIAH [CHRIST] allowing HIS miracles or causing HIM to groan?
When reading Yochanan [John] 11, I was surprised by something I feel is big. There is truth in Scripture right in front of our eyes but sometimes we can read verses over and over and not see what is in front of us very plainly. It may be because we are blind to it [hopefully just temporarily] or sometimes we get deeper revelations as we grow closer to ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT]. The following verses all talk about not seeing with our eyes and not hearing with our ears: Yesha’yahu [Isaiah] 6:8-11, [these next repeat much of what is in Yesha’yahu] Mattityahu [Matthew] 13:13-17 and Yochanan 12:39-41. Take a look at the verses below and my commentary added in bold letters within brackets to see what I see. Continue reading
Apophis and more info on the meteorite that hit Russia
Take a look at the information below from live.usnews.com concerning the trajectories of the meteorite that hit Russia and the asteroid that missed the earth – praise HIS NAME for that one missing us!!! Also, they mention another asteroid – Apophis – significantly larger than the one that just missed us and is expected to come as close as that one did with a date of 4/13/29 [Friday the 13th]. I also posted Wikipedia links about the asteroid Apophis and where the name came from. What I try to do with information like this is to keep an eye on it, pray about it, and see what lines up and happens versus what falls apart and does not happen. Do not open yourself up to the enemy creating chaos in your life but keep aware of what the Messiah said in Mattityahu [Matthew] 24: 32,33,44 and Luke 12:54-56 [in fact read both chapters fully for a lot of good information]. Continue reading
Be thankful every day of the year!
Tehillim [Psalm] 116:17 “I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving and will call upon the name of the Lord”, Psalm 50:14 “Offer to God the sacrifice of thanksgiving; and fulfill your vows to the most High”, Psalm 50:23 “Whosoever offers the sacrifice of thanksgiving glorifies me; and to him will I show the way of the salvation of our God”. Giving thanks to ELOHIM/GOD should not be just a one day a year event but should be a daily offering. Are you grateful to HIM for all HE has done for you or do you believe that everything in your life comes from your own hands not HIS? Read Iyov [Job] for a reminder about how we all can have our lives changed in an instant. Continue reading
The truth about “holy laughter and slaying in the spirit” is a kundalini deceiving demon.
There is much going on in Churches that many believe is the RUACH HA’KODESH [Hebrew for] HOLY SPIRIT but it is not. Instead of the RUACH HA’KODESH/HOLY SPIRIT, people are allowing demons to use their bodies. What is shown in the video [link at bottom of page] about the holy laughter/kundalini spirit is some of what I experienced in workshops that taught new age mysticism but used the words “God/Jesus/angels”, so people felt safe. However, the people who taught these workshops did not believe in the Bible as the Word of ELOHIM/GOD so their “God/Jesus/angels” were different. Christians/Believers in the MESSIAH/CHRIST were participating in these workshops and being deceived along with everyone else. Continue reading
Deception of the enemy – there are no such things as “ghosts”: Demon attachment and possession of homes and objects and us
When buying our house in Baton Rouge, we were told by the previous homeowners that they had “ghostly occurrences” happen such as hearing a baby cry and that the first homeowners had a history of mental illness. Anything labeled today as mental illness is a deception of the enemy and what I believe is going on [and Scripture backs up] is that demons/unclean spirits are afflicting/inhabiting the person and/or controlling our emotions/mind through chemical imbalances, oppression, and/or possession. Read the study on yoga I did and see one way how we open ourselves up to the enemy control. https://glclifestyling.com/2012/06/18/yoga/ . Continue reading
Deceptions of the enemy: Lying wonders – hearing voices and false healing
“Even he whose coming is due to the working of Satan, with ALL POWER and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceitfulness of unrighteousness in those who perish, because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved thereby. For this reason GOD shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie, That all who did not believe in the truth but preferred unrighteousness might be damned.” Second Thessalonians 2: 9-12. What ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT] is teaching me, is to love HIM only for who HE is and not for how I want HIM to be or how anyone else sees HIM, to learn HIS Word and to discern by HIS Word and to obey HIS Word, to only go to HIM and HIS Word for the Truth over what any person says, and to love HIM more than my pride if I should find out I was believing in a lie. Continue reading
The Truth About Yoga
The information and link below is from an article written by a person who used to practice yoga until he found out that he was actually worshiping Hindu gods and opening himself up to demons using him. Ghosts are not spirits of deceased people, they are demonic spirits who are deceiving people – see My Story Part 2 [and future studies]. Our ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/SPIRIT] makes HIMSELF very clear that HE is the only one that should be worshiped. Did you know that even the greeting “namaste” involves worship. You bow slightly to the other person and say this word whose meaning goes into the belief that the god in me recognizes the god in you! http://hinduism.about.com/od/artculture/p/namaste.htm Continue reading
Leket Israel – Food Bank Program [formerly called Table to Table]
This organization looks amazing. It was started by one man out of the back of his car and now serves approximately 140,000 meals weekly from food that would have been wasted! The amount of food wasted everywhere is staggering and this site is proof that it can feed the masses and proof that one person can move mountains [in this case – food]. I applaud them for what they are doing with getting fresh produce to people and healthy food to poor school children. In Jerusalem, there are many street vendors and shops that sell fresh squeezed orange, carrot, and other juices which are healthier than the soft drinks people tend to consume. I noticed when I was involved with getting food to poor people in Louisiana that it could be appalling what they were being fed by others, even through churches and the food bank. Many peoples diets today are horrible. They are killing themselves and their loved ones over not spending the time learning how to eat right, shop right, cook right. You can have a busy schedule and still make food from scratch and healthy if you plan a little and even get the whole family involved. Continue reading