Song and info – YOUR EYES of Flame!!!

Many people are believing in visions and dreams where someone has said they have seen JESUS. The problem is that the physical description many give does not match to the Bible. When HE returns as our KING, HIS EYES will look like how John described them in Revelation 1:14, like flames of fire. This and the rest of HIS description in that passage match that of the MAN Daniel fell down in front of in Daniel 10:6 and other verses. This description is how HE looks as the WORD of ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD]. Do not get misled by deceiving signs and wonders! Compare everything to Scripture because only the Truth sets us free from the enemy!! Continue reading

Rabbi Kaduri had false visions, not ones from the True MESSIAH!!!

There is something big that may be happening soon. What Rabbi Kaduri revealed about visions of the Messiah before he died I believe is false. Please look at the bolded areas in the excerpts below from Israel Today. What we know from Scripture refutes these points. Continue reading

YHWH’S [the LORD’S] servants bless HIS NAME!

Few people I have observed bless YHWH’S NAME [the LORD’S NAME] even those in leadership positions in Churches. According to King David in Psalm 134:1 and 145:10, the holy [faithful, saints, godly, loyal, servants, righteous, merciful, kind ones] bless HIS NAME. See below for the Strong’s root words/meanings of “holy” as in “the saints” and for other verses that say to bless YHWH’S NAME. Going by what King David said, blessing YHWH is a sign of spiritual closeness. Many thank and praise HIM but how many bless HIS NAME? I have even brought this up to some, encouraging them to bless HIM in addition to the thanks and praise, and the next time I heard them – again there were no blessings. Continue reading

A Song to my BELOVED ONE…

I wrote this song based on many verses in Scripture including some I found after I wrote the words. This is what I hope to be for ELOHIM because of all HE has done for me, especially YAHSHUA who my Covenant is with. I feel blessed because I have had things line up around me and things that have come from my heart that I found Scripture on afterwards or confirmation from others’ walks. Some I did not go through with and regretted and wept for missing an opportunity placed in front of me because I doubted/feared/was weak. ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/SPIRIT] is an amazing path preparer through HIS SET-APART [HOLY] SPIRIT. I have had so many paths line up in a day that I have exclaimed to ELOHIM more than once, “I know you are ELOHIM but how do you do it!!!”. Continue reading

The return of the TRUE KING and HIS priceless GIFT

What this study is about:

  2. Conception and birth – Point #1 Conception: YESHUA’YAH’S/JESUS’S conception might have been on 12/25 as a way for GOD/ELOHIM to cover HIS people from worshiping a pagan sun god’s birthday. Conception can be proved through Scripture to be a new creation, a birth, a birth day. 9 months from that date is 9/21 which is the date sometimes of the Feast of Trumpets. Point #2 Birth: HIS birth can be revealed through Scripture study. Two possibilities are most likely.
  3. The Holy Feast Days – I give information on the significance of the Holy Feast Days and their connection to YESHUA’YAH’S/JESUS’S coming as SUFFERING SERVANT and return as CONQUERING KING.
  4. Connecting conception and birth – One possibility for HIS birth is during the fall Holy Days of The Feast of Trumpets, Yom Kippur, Sukkot. I believe The Feast of Trumpets is the one. This is due to an interesting relationship between Abraham’s birth year of 1948 and its connection to the year of founding of modern Israel in 1948 and Abraham’s long awaited GOD/ELOHIM promised son Isaac being born 100 years after him and a possible connection to the long awaited GOD/ELOHIM promised SON to return 100 years after the founding of modern Israel. Tying into that is also the Feast of Trumpets, which will start on 9/21 [9 months after 12/25] in the Jewish secular year of 2047-2048! Do you believe in coincidence or GOD/ELOHIM ordering things?
  5. Conclusion – Honoring GOD/ELOHIM rightly and are you ready for YESHUA’YAH’S/JESUS’S return?

Continue reading


Part 1, went into the background of images and why we are commanded not to make or worship them. It also got into the information available in Scripture about how the MESSIAH [CHRIST] looked while in HIS Body of flesh. See this link:

So for part 2, what did/does the SON/MESSIAH look like as the WORD of ELOHIM? ELOHIM is the Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER, SON, SET-APART [HOLY] SPIRIT [BREATH/RUACH]. There is a physical description in Dani’el of a MAN that Dani’el worshiped [fell down on his face in front of] that matches up with a physical description of one resembling [looking like] the SON of Adam/SON of Man [the first man, Adam, his name means “man” or “human” in the generic sense] in Revelation. I believe this MAN is the WORD of ELOHIM, our MESSIAH, who was born in a Body of flesh. I believe the description of what HE looks like, both before and after HE was in the flesh, is in both Dani’el and Revelation. Continue reading


I believe there is a huge problem going on that has caused sin in peoples lives for centuries. It is because of our disobedience and wanting the wide way [which is the path of destruction] and the world [satan is now the prince of this world and he deceives the world] instead of the Narrow WAY [which is the path to life] and to obey our ELOHIM [the Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT] – see Mattityahu [Matthew] 7:13-14, Luke 4:5-7, Yochanan [John] 12:31 and 14:30. You love your spouse, family, friends and you can describe, if not everything, probably many things about them because of how special they are to you. How much do you know about ELOHIM? For example, what do the FATHER, SON, and the HOLY [SET-APART/QADOSH] SPIRIT [BREATH/RUACH] look like? Continue reading

Read Acts – blood is not food!

When in Israel, ABBA [Our FATHER in Heaven] opened my eyes about another way we are not obeying HIM and instead, connecting to HIS enemy. ELOHIM is LIFE, LIGHT, TRUTH, GOOD and HIS enemy is death, darkness, lies, and evil. ELOHIM is the Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT. In Scripture, blood is the life of the animal or human being and it never was to be consumed by people – it is blood not food – and it belongs to ELOHIM alone! Yechezk’el [Ezekiel] 44:7, “…My food, the fat and the blood” and verse 15, “…bring to Me the fat and the blood…”. The blood and the fat were always HIS portion! Continue reading

Asteroid to pass near the Earth 2/15/13

While I have studied a good part of the Bible, I have primarily focused on learning the truth about ELOHIM [Hebrew word for GOD and who I believe is our FATHER in Heaven, HIS SON, and HIS SET-APART [HOLY] SPIRIT] and HIS way and what pleases HIM and also to know the deceptions of HIS enemy and their ways and how they hurt us. I have looked over some prophecy and have found some things of interest but I have not focused on it as I have these other areas. I do believe we are somewhere in the time of the end, but whether that means it is 1, 10, or 100 years until the MESSIAH returns I do not know. I do believe that ELOHIM has been trying to get our attention through all these storms, earthquakes, and other disasters we have been facing and are being humbled by. This Friday we face an asteroid. Continue reading

You’re right, there is no Christ in Christmas but there is some new information…

9/9/13 – I have some new information to post and it should make some people very happy. Our ELOHIM covers us greatly. While I still believe in what is written in the study below and feel it necessary to warn people of pagan practices, I now am believing that the MESSIAH’S date of conception [which is a birth of a new life] fell on the pagan celebration of a sun god’s son’s birth [which many celebrate today as Christmas] and the MESSIAH’S date of Birth as a newborn was on the Set-Apart Feast of Trumpets which heralds a KING. Based on this information, I believe celebrating 12/25 as HIS birth, without any pagan way involved at all, and instead doing the service work the SON commands may be acceptable in ELOHIM’S Eyes. This is my opinion and what I say to everyone is to still pray and ask our FATHER in Heaven for the Truth so they won’t be punished for celebrating any lie. I personally have no interest in misleading people or in anything but the COMPLETE TRUTH! I hopefully hold no pride if it came down to posting a complete retraction of anything I wrote that was proved to not be the Truth! Btw, ELOHIM is the Hebrew word for the English word GOD and to me is FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT. Please see this link for more information concerning the new information stated above: Continue reading